Whats New in ONGAA CAM

New User Features

Since ONGAA CAM was first introduced the design team have been working hard to incorporate new features requested by our users.  Here we try to highlight what’s new in ONGAA CAM’s recent releases.

ONGAA CAM for TPA Albatros

For those with TPA Albatros equipped CNCs, the wait is over.  Program your Format4, Biesse Brema Vector or Busellato  machines directly from Solidworks. Same intuitive interface, same simplicity and same speed as the rest of the ONGAA CAM family.  No more switching from bSolid to TpaCAD and looking for features and functions that you just can’t remembers…

The Wizard (see below) is also available for TPA making programming effortless, … no really, ONGAA CAM does all the work. Most parts programmed in 30 seconds or under.  Oriented, Drilled, Pocketed, outside trimmed.

Use the Contact US form to get more information.


Process recognition – ‘The Wizard’

Process recognition is the ability to examine a part (body) and ,using some preset options, automatically:

  1. Orient the part to to have the thinnest dimension in the CNC Z direction, the longest dimension is the CNC X direction and the most machinable operation facing up.
  2. Inspect all surfaces normal to the top plane for drill operations (round holes) and create a VDrill process for each with ‘all holes on face’ and auto tool select on.  Drill operations can be limited to available drills/tools allowing other round holes to be created with a pocket routine.
  3. Inspect all surfaces normal to X+, X-,Y+,Y- surface for drill operations and create a HDrill process for each with ‘all holes on face’ and auto tool select on.
  4. Inspect all surfaces normal to the top plane for pocket operations. Each discovered operation will produce either a VPocket or PPocket operation. VPockets which are at the edge of the part will be extended automatically to clean corners.
  5. Inspect the bottom surface for machining operations and if any are found, add a NC-Stop and do both a VDrill and VPocket inspection.
  6. Inspect the part and apply a single perimeter route suitable for either dressing the part or nesting.

Once the wizard has completed ‘programming’, each process and its detailed can be managed (edited/deleted/added to) as if programmed manually.

What took, 5-10 minutes before now takes 30 seconds with the consistent application of  processes, tools and order.  Default settings are accessible at the start of every Wizard process and include things like extra depth for through pocket or route, extra depth for intersecting drills (Cam-Lock machining), Minimum and Maximum diameter and depth for drilling and minimum width of pockets.

As an example, the following part went from opening the part to viewing the program in WoodWOP in under 60 seconds, with 125 individual programming steps all generated by the wizard.










Tool Visualization

When ‘seeing is believing’ , we SHOW you the TOOLS!

Tool diameter, working length, Z position, Tool Compensation and tool existence can all be verified at a glance.

Eliminate all the errors that come with not being able see – what you ‘said’ versus ‘what I meant to say’ – in you programs.

Drill, Mill, Pocket, Saw with confidence.




NC-Hops – Program your HOLZHER from SOLIDWORKS

A version of ONGAA CAM that produces .HOP file for NC-HOPS machines is now available.  HOLZHER is one of the CNC machines that is driven by NC-HOPS by Direkt.  This version of ONGAA CAM is tailored to the options available in the HOP standard macros and uses the easy to use ONGAA CAM programming interface.  Process macros include; V-Drill, H-Drill, V-Route, H-Route, V-Saw and V-Pocket.

QR Codes & Data Matrix

Encoding for optical readers (barcode readers) is an important part of automation.  With 2-D encoding more data can be encoded and reliably read.  ONGAA CAM can now provide SOLIDWORKS Custom property data as QR Code and Data Matrix format as well as standard 3 of 9 barcodes.

CNC + ABD Programs – one click

ONGAA CAM for HOMAG can split programs out automatically when 2 station machining is required.  While all vertical instructions go to the nesting CNC, horizontal processing goes to the ABD.  Of particular interest are the dowel insertion instructions which are simply a ‘Horizontal Drill’ with dowelling checkboxes.  Both the new and old WoodWOP instructions can be generated.

‘Hot Parts’ with Nesting

The manufacturing process often needs a ‘quick way to remake one part’ although all the parts are pre-nested into one program per sheet.  We call these ‘Hot Parts’.  ONGAA CAM can now make all the individual part programs along side with the nest in a matter of seconds.  These can be copied out the the line and used by the plant when they need them with any delay.

G-Code Programs

ONGAA CAM for G-Code machining is available.  Programs for parts and nested sheets are created using the same intuitive interface.  With this version, ONGAA CAM also includes a Tool Data Editor to ensure the critical dimensions or the tools are replicated as on the machine.

G-Code visualization has also been added which include tool-comp offsets matching those of the tools.

Batch Nesting vs Assembly Nesting

ONGAA CAM now supports a form of list nesting allowing you to select files and quantities to base the nest on rather that an assembly.  Material and Thickness can still be used to split a ‘batch’ onto different stock as before.

Nesting – Single sheet with Zoom.

ONGAA CAM Nesting now includes single sheet nesting (and renesting) with ‘Zoom’ to allow for very precise placement of parts.  The interface has also been improved to allow for easier move and rotate and allows single sheet renesting using different parameters.

Labels – any format.

ONGAA CAM now has improved label printing functionality in nesting.  Labels always include part name, dimensions material and can also include up to 8 custom properties, a barcode and the image of the parts.  The extra data is ideal for subsequent processing such as edge banding.  Label setup has also been greatly improved with a new interactive interface allowing you to see the results of changes to parameters.

ONGAA CAM Biesse – Generate CIX files as well as BPP

To improve the compatibility of ONGAA CAM and bSolid ONGAA CAM move produces both CIX and BPP files for programming Biesse CNC machines.

ONGAA CAM Biesse – Gets Repetition Functions.

In ONGAA CAM for Biesse, the repetition functionality has been enabled for V Drill, V Route, V Pocket and Poly Pocket.  This is one more time saving feature when programming symmetrical repeating processes.  Each function has the number of repeats and the delta X and delta Y to offset by.

Edgebanding information can be added to the Material definition for better production integration.

ONGAA CAM now allows you to enter banding dimensions per side to provide a new set of variable to be used when other software compensates for banding automatically.

ABD Dowel functions are incorporated directly in Horiz. Drill operations

A new feature in ONGAA CAM is to allow the selection of drill,glue,insert in a horizontal drill operation which will then generate the required ABD specific processes for insertions.

ONGAA CAM Biesse – Improved tool selections.

The Biesse tool interface allows for auto tool selections based on diameter and tool type.  To ensure this function continues to work correctly when tools are defined as non-default types ONGAA CAM has added the toole type selector.

Nesting Contour definition has been added.

To allow nesting with other software, ONGAA CAM has added the Nesting Contour definition to vertical milling.  Simply define a milling operation (enabled or not) and set the Nesting Contour flag to allow the MPR to be read by CutRite or Homag nesting.

ONGAA CAM for Biesse – Nesting is now available.

With the release of 1.3.12 of ONGAA CAM for Biesse, the nesting option is available.  The nesting module provides nesting of assemblies on to multiple sheets with automatic part separation (onto different sheet) by material name and material thickness.  Individual sheets sizes can be selected for different materials making batching of parts unnecessary for most operation.   8 predefined layout algorithms provide fast layout alternatives while still being able to apply grain direction rules.

Unlike Biesseworks nesting,  ONGAA CAM uses the assembly as the definition of what is nested.  ONGAA CAM ignores parts which have not been programmed i.e. hardware or prefab parts.

Each sheet becomes one BPP program with full operator control over every process.

WoodPRINT Integration

WoodPrintLabelONGAA CAM Nesting now integrates to the WoodPrint Label Printing allowing part information to be printed (and place) directly on the parts.

Basic part dimensions and part names plus 4 SolidWorks Custom properties and well as 4 additional custom properties intended for edge banding information are available.

With WoodPrint feature activated, ONGAA CAM produces the complete set on nested MPRs, Part MPRs and Part Images as required by WoodPrint and refered to by the CSV and PNX using the prescribed naming conventions.

Free Motion Optimization.

Nesting has been improved to optimize not only the tool changes but also the order in which ‘similar tool’ process are completed.  ONGAA CAM now reduces the path required to travel from one part to the next.  Generally, parts closes to the machine origin will be processes first followed by parts forming a path which ends as close to the origin as possible.  This predictably reduces the travel between operation and saves time.

Nesting can separate parts by Material and thickness.

ONGAA CAM can now separate parts onto different sheets based not material thickness as well as the ‘Material’ property defined in the program.  If the SOLIDWORKS model has a custom-property which defines the material ONGAA CAM can read the property to determine which sheet is should be nested on.  During the nesting process, the size of each sheet can be selected from a sheet library.  This feature eliminated the need to sort parts by suppressing or grouping.

ERP Integration

With the parametric power of Solidworks and the programmer power of ONGAA CAM with ERP integration, you can now generate complete machining programs as soon as the ‘dimensions’ and orders are confirmed.

ONGAA CAM is now aware of how Solidworks was launched and when in ‘batch’ mode, ONGAA CAM will open and rebuild SOLIDWORKS assemblies, generate all the MPR/BPP files based on dimensions provided and send the machining file to the processing center.  Integration is relative simple assuming that the ERP can generate TEST files in a DEPTH=600 etc. format.

ONGAA CAM – Basic for BIESSE of now available

Our Beta testing has recently been completed and ONGAA CAM is now available for owner of Biesse machines (Rover, Skipper etc).  As with other versions of ONGAA CAM, no G-Code is created but instead native Biesse BPP files are created.  This allows program edits at the console as well as not requiring an additional post processor.  This also allows you to program multiple Biesse machines if you have more than one. Details


New in version ONGAA CAM 1.3.19 are some real time saving features which include the ability to generate multiple vector pockets from a single sketch selection.

With three selections, sketch, top face and bottom face, all closed loops found on the sketch will be converted to Polygon Pockets (WW Vector Pockets)
Each closed loop becomes a distinct WoodWOP Vector Pocket with the same processing options as the ‘single’ Polygon Pocket definition in ONGAA CAM.Ellipse and spline based contours are quickly converted into ‘arc segment contours’.As with all other process definitions, if the sketch is altered, either in location or even number or loops there is no need to make any process changes.  Just Generate a new MPR.


New in version ONGAA CAM 1.3.18 is another time saving feature with the ability to generate multiple vertival drill holes from a single face selection.

multivdrill1 This feature is the natural follow up to multiple vertical pockets from a face.  With the Min/Max options set the Face Loops found can be filtered to those with in a set criteria.

Unlike pockets, which all have the same depth, each drill hole is checked for a depth.  This means that each Vertical Drill process created in WoodWOP has ALL the information required to drill the correct number of holes, in the correct location with the correct diameter and to the correct depth.

Since ONGAA CAM support WoodWOP variable and conditional statements, even tool selection by number can programmed if the ‘Model Diameter’ is not the desired ‘As Built Diameter’.

multivdrill2Used in conjunction with vertical pockets (multi) this architectural panel, with over 290 round holes ranging from 0.25 in to 1.16 in, can be accurately programmed in 2 ONGAA CAM process.
multivdrill3The WoodWOP MPR produced shows 294 process, one for each drill hole and round pocket.Unlike a DXF layer export, all WoodWOP options are preset and if / when a minor model change is required – Just change the model and press GEN MPR again.  The MPR is machine ready….


New in version ONGAA CAM 1.3.7 are some real time saving features which include the ability to generate multiple vertical pockets from a single face of sketch selection.

multipocket2Now, simply select one face and one edge and all the pockets will be created.  A Min and Max criteria can be added to limit which ‘Face Loops’ will be converted to pockets.
multipocket1The process will be saved a a single process in ONGAA CAM.  All process options such as tool, feed, speed , milling in steps etc. will apply to all pockets generated.
multipocket3At generation time, ONGAA CAM expands the single process into individual pockets for WoodWOP. Any pockets moved, added, deleted or resized will be automatically moved, added, deleted and resized at generation time without the need to make ANY changed to the saved processes.
multipocket4Here, 85 pockets of various sizes are added in one step.  A minimum dimension and maximum dimension were set to avoid holes too small to pocket with the selected tool and larger than the desired hole matrix ( avoid the center shallow pocket )
multipocket5From the one process ONGAA CAM has expanded it automatically to select only the pockets that fit the criteria.

Other Features

Nesting now allows both automatic nesting and manual nesting to allow to do interference nesting. 

Contact us today and request a live ‘Web based demonstration‘ to see the  how ONGAA CAM can improve your operation.

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