Tag Archives: Geometry

ONGAA CAM – Extending the parametric model beyond WoodWOP

Before I can explain how ONGAA CAM extends parametric models,a definition of what that is is due. ‘Parametric’–with the use of parameters –is a way of defining something where parameters or variables are used to make something scale.

  • For example,a box,24″by 12″by 6″can be said to be half as wide as it is long and half as deep as it is wide,and the box is 24″long (LENGTH).

In this simple example,only one number need be provided and all other number can be derived.  With this model any sized box can be made and it will always retain the desired proportions. If only it were that simple …. Lets take that same example and add a little reality…make the box out of 1/2 ”plywood (this applies to all sizes).  The simple addition of a fixed width makes the dimension of the ‘components’of the box a little more complex to calculate,but still

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