Tag Archives: bSolid

ONGAA CAM – Biesse – CIX file Generation

In order to promote the effectiveness of ONGAA CAM when working with bSolid instead of BiesseWorks, ONGAA CAM now produces CIX programs in addition to BPP.

Although bSolid will import straight forward BPP files without any need to manipulate the file in any way, we have had several reports of bSolid importing some process options incorrectly which would either ‘break’ a process or negate its usefulness.  In particular, Vertical milling in steps was rendered ineffective as Z and Depth were swapped when imported.  Horizontal steps was also ‘broken’ due to the step increment being imported as a negative.

To support our customers who are now using bSolid, we have endeavoured to both debug the BPP  import issues as well as provide a better working solution.… Read the rest

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