
ONGAA CAM is a plug-in for SOLIDWORKS which is a 3D  CAD (computer-aided design) program that runs on Microsoft Windows and is being developed by Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS Corp. SOLIDWORKS is currently used by over 2 million engineers and designers at more than 165,000 companies worldwide.

SOLIDWORKS is used to model the parts / assemblies and ONGAA CAM to generate the WoodWOP MPR files or Biesseworks BPP files.

The plugin is activated when either a “Part” or “Assembly” is opened.

When an assembly is open, the ONGAA CAM functionality becomes limited to generating MPRs/BPPs, Nested MPRs and machine instruction (NC –Gen).

To add or edit tool path information a “part” must be open which can be done from the assembly view.


The “machining” options are activated when a part is opened. These include.

These include:

  • Material definition (sizing) and orientation
  • Drilling (Vertical, Horizontal, Universal)
  • Routing (Vertical, Horizontal, Universal, Polygon)
  • Sawing (Vertical, Universal)
  • Pocketing (Vertical,Horizontal, Universal, Polygon)
  • NC-Stop, Part rotations
  • Component Macros
  • Comments (Console Text, Console Graphical)
  • Variables (used by WoodWOP/Biesseworks)
  • Edge banding macros


Material / Work piece Definition

The first step in creating a new program is to define the raw material dimensions and the part orientation.

The “Work Piece” process is created automatically when a new program is created with the final part dimensions taken directly from the model.

If the WoodWOP/Biessworks default options are not suitable then scrap material dimensions and offsets for jigs can be entered into the “Work Piece” process panel.


ONGAA CAM allows the selection of the initial part orientation in the “Work Piece” panel. This feature removes the need for the designer to model the part in a particular orientation by allowing the part to be rotated or “flipped” into any position to allow machine of all sides.


The model will be visually rotated, once a position is selected, to reflect the “as placed in machine view” which avoids confusion when assigning machining.



All machining processes are listed in the Process panel along with the “Material” definition.

Processes can be named to make it easier to understand once they are created.

Process steps can also be inserted, moved, copied and deleted anywhere on the list.


Adding a new process can be as simple as clicking the icon in the ONGAA CAM tab (or menu) selecting points, line and faces for geometry.

For example, Vertical Route, the contour to follow consists of a series of points (vertices) and their edges with all the information regarding this process presented in one location without the need to switch to a contour screen.

Any changes to the model are automatically reflected in the contour provided that the contour elements are not completely eliminated.

A tool selector and currently defined variables – also known as auxiliary information – are also available at the press of a key.

In this example, the native WoodWOP/Biesseworks tool database is presented within ONGAA CAM with the images and tool dimensions shown in an easy and familiar format.



Time saving features

The ONGAA CAM interface provides many innovative time saving features, for example:

Drilling arrays is often considered a chore, especially if the holes are not aligned in a matrix pattern. ONGAA CAM fixes this by allowing “Hole Wizard” holes to be selected as a single process, the arrangement of holes are chosen once via a “Hole Wizard” feature, even in random patterns. Hole can be later added, moved, or deleted in the SOLIDWORKS model and automatically reflected in the generate MPR/BPP.

Splines or free form curves including ellipses are a single selection and automatically generate multi-arc contours, the precision of splines adjustable to 0.1 mm if needed.  Multi-arc contours are smoother because all arc are tangential and this also requires fewer segments making for faster machining.

Closed multi-leg contours (mixed straight, arc and bcurve) can be selected as loops with a single selection producing all the contour ‘legs’ at one time.


ONGAA CAM also supports the creation of many WoodWOP/Biesseworks process from a single ONGAA CAM process.  This features is available for Vertical Drill, Vertical Pocket and Polygon Pocket.  Simply indicate the FACE or SKETCH and ONGAA CAM will find all the geometry required to create many holes or pockets at one time.  Each will have the same options but will have unique geometry.

It bears repeating that any changes to the model will be automatically reflected in the MPR/BPP when generated with no programming changes required.

Additional features include “field to field” variables, single click assemble MPR/BPP generation and single click assembly nesting.




nestingONGAA CAM can generate nested MPRs or BPPs suitable for cabinet manufacturing with the general layout of the multi-sheet nested assembly presented graphically (with minimal detail) and shown in WoodWOP with all machine details once confirmed.

ONGAA CAM can also optimize the combined machining to minimize tool changes while still maintaining ‘finalization processes’ at the end to maintain maximum vacuum.










nestedmpr1With the addition of ‘Nudging’, parts can be placed into overlapping positions – or interference nested positions.
Download the presentation for more information about the benefits of ONGAA CAM



Or, watch a video presentation of ONGAA CAM in action.


Wave board generation, although not part of ONGAA CAM is available.  Check out the standalone WaveGenerator application.


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