One Model – Many Programs!

It is more and more common to have multiple machine manufactures in one shop. When all programming was done ‘at the machine console’ the only thing we needed to do was give each programmer the same paper drawing.

Today, we do much of the programming ‘in the office’ using common tools and it can be a challenge to keep programs for each machine separate, machine specific and accurate.

The link between the model and the programs is key to multiple programs, whether for different versions or for different machines. ONGAA CAM uses both the part name AND the configuration name to identify a specific program. Each configuration gets its own program.

When you have both a HOMAG and a BIESSE or HOLZHER machines and want a programs for each, simply create a Solidworks configuration with a name like HG or HOMAG etc. Make this configuration active (show configuration) and create a program. To program for another machine, create a new configuration (BIESSE for example) and make it. Switch the the ONGAA CAM AddIn for this machine and start a new program.

This technique ensures that programming strategies remain specific to each CNC and not ‘The Lowest common Denominator’ — and make changes at the console.

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