SOLIDWORKS-WoodWOP Nesting optimization with ONGAA CAM

Optimizing Processes and Optimizing MPRs

Nesting – or combining multiple parts onto one sheet is a vital function for ‘Flat Table’ operators.

Until now, ONGAA CAM‘s ability to nest ‘complete assemblies’ has been received with both enthusiasm and a little reservation.

Users have ‘enthusiastically’ created all kinds of assemblies in SOLIDWORKS, combining nested assemblies, parts with multiple configurations and ONGAA CAM has created multiple sheet MPRs without a hitch.

Then came the next requests for improvements …

  • How do I optimize the the processes? — the generated nested MPR made one part at a time — I want the number of tool changes to be reduced.
  • I have a big assembly, how do I do more than 4 sheets.
  • How do I tell ‘what part is what’ when looking at the nesting preview.
  • How do I print the nest layout (with parts listed) so the ‘guys on the floor’ will know what is what.

From the requests came features….

ONGAA CAM now provides process grouping optimization.  This means that drills will be moved to the front of the queue and WoodWOP drill optimization will optimize further.  Specially marked ‘Finalizing Processes’  will be moved to the end of the queue. All other processes will be interleaved to minimize the tool changes.

Finalizing Processes are processes that should be carried out at the very end to prevent too much vacuum lose etc.  ONGAA CAM allows certain processes to be marked this way to prevent them from being grouped even if the same tool is being used.

ONGAA CAM can produce nested MPR for up to 99 sheets, each can be previewed and layout pages can be printed.  Printed Layout sheets include a list of all parts on the sheet in ‘Assembly-Part-Configuration-Instance’ naming convention.

ONGAA CAM now allows parts to be identified by name in the nesting preview by ‘mouse – over’.  The names include the assembly name, the configuration name and the instance of a part to ensure it is identifiable.

Being able to auto-generate multi-sheet nested MPRS from an assembly is the first step in optimizing the human process.  Being able to print/communicate the layout improves the process even more…

Optimizing the MPRs saves machine time and wear and tear on the tool holders…

Feedback improves ONGAA CAM




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