Sometimes asking a simple question leads to amazing results. For us that question was, «How can we recognize where a part is oriented in the beat way for machining?». Seems simple right? The part is oriented in an optimal way when a) it fits and b) the required machining is possible.
‘a)’ is still simple. Four of the possible 24 orientations must make make Z the smallest dimension and X the longest dimension, but that should be only 2 possible orientations. Where is the machine required will reduce to 2.
‘b)’ is much more complicated. What is the required machining? How do I know a drill is needed or a pocket is required ? What tools will work or not work?
Out of the ‘thought experiment’ came a set of rules which now define the way ‘the Wizard’ works.
The wizard inspects the part, then in order:
- orients it, keeping the side requiring most machining up
- finds holes that CAN be drilled using min/max diameters and/or min/max depth and/or limited by the available tools
- holes pockets that CAN be pocketed by min/max width selecting from 3 possible tools, adjusts pockets when at parts edges (clearing corners)
- adds a perimeter route (for nesting). 90-95% of programming is complete.
So what is left? Checking the program! Visualize the run in the simulator, verify the best tools are being used and then send it to the plant floor to run!
Simple parts can now be generated in under a minute! This leaves you with the time to manually program those really complicated parts.
Use the request a demonstration button at the top to get more details.