New with the HOMAG DrillTeq H/V/D series machine come a new version of WoodWOP to support a new instruction. ‘Insert Dowel’.
WoodWOP 7.2 introduced a new instruction which expands the control of the dowel insertion operation.
ONGAA CAM now also fully supports this new <192 / Dowel insertion instruction in its MPR generation. This includes not only the creation of the <192 process over the creation of 2 separate drill and insert processes (ABD_ENU replacement) but also includes the setting of ‘Side variables’ to ensure correct part placement.
ONGAA CAM can generate all ‘Dowel Insertions’ on 2 sides of a part at the same time.
With the single process ONGAA CAM will produce 8 Dowel process for the machine.
Dowelling could not get easier !