About Us
ONGAA Cam was created by ONG Solutions Inc. (Software Development) while working closely with WindowCraft (Custom Window and Door Manufacturer). It combined the best of 35 + years of innovative software development and 45 + years of manufacturing high quality wood products to simplify programming for your wood CNCs.
Our focus has been to help you get the most out of your CNC machines by simplifying the ‘design to machining process’.
The product manages to stay on target with real world requirements coming directly from the manufacturing “office” and the “shop floor.”
I need to be able to ‘design’ a window system once but make it in 1000 different sizes without having to start from scratch each time.
Configure it only once (in one place) .
These mandates are what drives the development of features today as it has done since the beginning.
The same philosophy extends into the integration with the BIESSE, HOMAG , HOLZHER and G-Code driven CNC systems.
The result:
- By configuring tools once in the standard CNC software (with vendor support) delays and errors are more easily avoided.
- Costly customization is avoided through NC Codes generation using the HOMAG, HOLZHER or BIESSE supplied post-processor for approach and withdrawal routines.
- By viewing and editing tool paths at the machine console in WoodWOP, Biesseworks, bSolid or Campus, delays caused by “shop floor issues” are more easily avoided.
- Hours are saved every day by modeling in SOLIDWORKS, adding machining in ONGAA CAM and sending the generated MPR/BPP/CIX/HOPS file to the machine.
To some , design and machining are at opposite ends of a long business process with many, many intermediate steps.
As the logo implies, ONGAA CAM allows design and machining to fit together like never before.