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ONGAA CAM for HOMAG/Weeke Wood CNC Machining from Solidworks

From 3D Model to MPR (CNC Program)

One of the ongoing challenges for manufacturers is to quickly get from concept to product. 3D CAD and/or ‘Solid Modelling’ has made designing and 3D rendering so much easier. An accurate model with photo realistic renderings goes a long way in customer confidence and business growth.

But how do we get from ‘pretty pictures’ to cutting and shaping parts, both easily and accurately?

HOMAG machines are controlled by software called WoodWOP. WoodWOP allows you to enter processing steps (and details) manually.  These steps or program, called a MPR file, is ultimately what is used to get the machine working. Manually entering every dimension, every speed and feed for every process is tedious, time consuming and error prone because we need to use a drawing to read the dimensions from and manually type them in again.

ONGAA CAM is the go between software for CAD and the WoodWOP program. ONGAA CAM allows the user to indicate the type of process (i.e. vertical drilling) and takes all the dimensions from the model itself. To improve the efficiency more, simple repetitive processes (many drill holes) are reduces to a single ONGAA CAM process.

In ONGAA CAM, we select edges, points and faces to transfer dimensions. ‘Drill this hole’, ‘Mill along this edge’, ‘Make this pocket’ then ‘Generate the MPR file’.

In the images below, 4 ONGAA CAM steps produce 76 WoodWOP macros.



Changes to the model are instantly reflected in newly generated MPR programs for WoodWOP. This makes programming 5 different cabinet sizes as easy as programming 1.

Follow the link to What is ONGAA CAM for more details or ONGAA CAM Pricing / Licencing for price details.

Manufacturing process ‘fit’

Like any tool in the workshop, CAD/CAM software must fit your overall manufacturing process or else it is not worth buying.

ONGAA CAM has the flexibility to be used both manually for programming and MPR generation while adding the option of automated MPR generation for standard catalog parts (in custom sizes).

Allowing multiple MPR programs to be generated for ABD and CNC machining while also generating the parts lists for Panel Saws (CutRite) is all possible through ONGAA CAM.


Book an online demonstration today and qualify for a time limited, fully functional, installed and supported evaluation license. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What version(s) of WoodWOP are supported?
    ONGAA CAM Supports WoodWOP 4.0 to WoodWOP 8.x.
  2. What version of Solidworks are supported?
    ONGAA CAM will run on the current + 4 previous releases of Solidworks. For example, If the current version is 2020, ONGAA CAM will be guaranteed to supported on 2016 through 2020. It may also work on previous versions however these will not have been tested.

  3. What type of licensing is ONGAA CAM sold under?
    A license of ONGAA CAM is a ‘Perpetual license’ which is limited to a ‘single concurrent use’. Therefore ONGAA CAM can be installed on several PCs but only one PC can use the USB Dongle to activate it.

  4. Is there a ‘Network License’ available for the managing multiple seats?
    When multiple seats are purchased (2 or more) the ‘Network License Manager’ is included (if desired). Where a single seat is purchased, the ‘Network License Manager’ is an optional add on.

  5. Is there a maintenance subscription?
    Since ONGAA CAM is the ‘glue’ between Solidworks and you CNC software, ONGAA CAM should be kept up to date. This ensures that internal changes to Solidworks or WoodWOP/BIESSEWorks/bSolid/Academy/TPACAD etc. do not break the interface.

    The subscription also includes support and initial training to get programmers up to speed as quickly as possible.
  6. What does it cost?
    Please see the Price Page
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ONGAA CAM Pricing / Licensing

DVD_H_pictureONGAA CAM is licensed by the seat and is tiered with options to meet the various requirements from manufacturers.

Listed below is the price for each level of ONGAA CAM followed by the prices for options.

ONGAA CAM BASIC ( 3-axis )   $6,500 US

  • Vert. – Drill, Route, Saw, Pocket
  • Horz. – Drill, Route

ONGAA CAM COMPLETE ( full 5 axis )   $11,785 US

  • Vert. – Drill, Route, Saw, Pocket
  • Horz. – Drill, Route, Saw, Pocket
  • Univ. – Drill, Route, Saw, Pocket

ONGAA CAM OPTION 1 Nesting  $2,870 US

  • Nest directly from Solidworks Assemblies onto multiple sheets.

ONGAA CAM OPTION 2 Edgebanding  $1,900 US

  • Provides 6 Edge banding processes including Notching, Cleaning, Glueing, Snipping, Trimming and Rounding

Wave Generator $1,900 US

  • STAND ALONE APPLICATION  – Generates 3D MPR files for generating decorative panels.  Details
**Edgebanding is currently only available for Homag/Weeke.
Prices Revised Feb 18, 2020

Packages can be upgraded as needed.  Please contact sales at for more information on how to buy or to request a quote.

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