Archive › 2016

ONGAA CAM – Pack and Go Improvements

newpackandgoThe Solidworks ‘Pack and Go’ feature is an indispensable tool for copying entire assemblies when replicating previously completed work.  The only shortfall of this tool when used with ONGAA CAM is that external information could not be included and this would result in manually copying ONGAA CAM files and renaming them if parts or assemblies were renamed during the Pack and Go process.

The original ONGAA CAM Pack and Go feature would copy parts and assemblies WITH the ONGAA CAM programs but would not allow renaming of parts.  Not being able to rename caused extra work if renaming was required.

The new ONGAA CAM Pack and GO now offers the ability to rename parts and assemblies similar to the Solidworks tool but also includes all related ONGAA CAM programs to be copied and renamed. As with the Solidworks Tool, the ONGAA CAM feature will also create zip files which allows … Read the rest

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ONGAA CAM Generates MRPs in Inches

INCHES for Operators

Although the ‘underlying’ Units of measure of both SOLIDWORKS and WoodWOP are metric, this does not help operators accustomed to units in Inches.

Since one of the 4 ‘Guiding Mandates’ of ONGAA CAM is ‘ allow the operator to perform all operations as before’, we felt we should do something about this.

As of version 1.3.34, ONGAA CAM generates WoodWOP programs in Inches.  This is independent of the Units of Measure of the model or programming units.  Simply turn the option ON and ONGAA CAM creates the MPR with the WoodWOP Inch indicator ON and values in inches.  All ‘geometric measures’ are converted to Inches as the MPR is generated.  This includes all X,Y,Z locations, distances, radii and depths.

It should be noted that, at this time, programming in ONGAA CAM is still in metric (expected and displayed).  This ensures that all programs (old and new) will … Read the rest

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ONGAA CAM for Biesse – Nesting module is now available

With the release of 1.3.12 of ONGAA CAM for Biesse, the optional nesting module is now available.

The Nesting Option provides the ability to nest complete assemblies at one time. Nesting features include 8 fill/nest options auto nesting, grain alignment, manual moves after auto nesting, tool change / free motion optimization and automatic sheet splitting based on named material and material thickness.  Up to 99 sheets can be nested at one time.  When sheet splitting is used, each material ‘sheet size’ can be selected from a sheet library.

Different options can be tried while in preview and once satisfied the layouts can be ‘Accepted’.  Printed layout sheets are also available.

A nested program is created for each sheet as a standard BPP program.  This allows the operator to make ‘on the shop floor’ changes without the need to regenerate the files etc.  This is particularly useful when tools need to … Read the rest

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WoodPrint Integration added to ONGAA CAM for labels

WoodPrintLabelONGAA CAM Nesting now integrates to the WoodPrint Label Printing allowing part information to be printed (and place) directly on the parts.

Basic part dimensions and part names plus 4 SolidWorks Custom properties and well as 4 additional custom properties intended for edge banding information are available.

With WoodPrint feature activated, ONGAA CAM produces the complete set on nested MPRs, Part MPRs and Part Images as required by WoodPrint and referred to by the CSV and PNX using the prescribed naming conventions.


The Weeke Vantech Concept series machine nesting CNC machines with the material handling option and label printing take full advantage of the WoodPrint integration by ONGAA CAM.  ONGAA CAM provides the following details for woodprint automatically at time of nesting.

  • Part Name
  • Part ID (WoodPrint identifier)
  • Part Length, Width, Thickness
  • Assembly Name
  • 4 User definable Custom properties retrieved from SOLIDWORKS
  • 4 User definable Custom properties retrieved from
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