Archive › February, 2013

Benefits of ONGAA CAM over DXF-Style WoodWOP MPR creation.

We were recently asked to summarize the benefits of using ONGAA CAM over generating DXF layers to load machining into WoodWOP as MPR (MPRX).

To those using ONGAA CAM the benefits are clear:

  • No need to create drawings and layers.
  • No need to edit each process in WoodWOP to add the parameters that can’t be set in the ‘cryptic layer names’ – like tools changes
  • No need to learn a new interface – ONGAA CAM provides access to all WoodWOP parameters.
  • One click MPR load into WoodWOP – ‘visual verification’.
  • Complex contours including lines, arcs and splines simply by selection
  • Hole Wizard arrays and Linear Pattern arrays in one selection.

But the above lists does not fully capture all the benefits because as we all know ‘first time’ is not always right.  What happens if the model needs to be adjusted?   Lets say two features were moved by 2mm and … Read the rest

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