Archive › November, 2012

ONGAA CAM – Nesting


Auto-Nesting is a vital time-saver for any cabinet manufacturer.







ONGAA CAM now offers a basic auto nesting function that works directly from the assembly.

Options include:

  • auto rotate of part (here grain does not matter)
  • fill horizontally or fill vertically
  • align to grain (each part to the current sheet)
  • sorting options which may alter the part arrangements.
  • multi-sheet output

Here is the generated MPR, as seem in WoodWOP, generated directly from Solidworks.
Total time to generate a ‘re-sized’ 4 unit cabinet set… 45 seconds !






Contact us today to see how ONGAA CAM can increase your productivity (and possibly quality of life).  We will arrange an online demonstration your parts and assemblies so you know it will work for you.

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